Share Hours help to keep tuition costs low by allowing parents to perform volunteer tasks within the school. Share Hours must be completed by a parent or guardian. Volunteer hours completed by anyone other than a parent or guardian cannot be counted as share hours. Other family members who have completed an Archdiocese background check and Safe Environment Training are welcome to volunteer. However, these hours cannot count toward the family’s Share Hour commitment.
Each family is required to donate a minimum of 35 hours per school year in service to the school. Single parent families are requires to give 17.5 hours of service (10 hours must be volunteered for the Auction, 5 hours must be volunteer for Jog-a-thon as stated on the tuition contract. Families are billed at the end of the school year of $35 per hour for uncompleted Share Hours.
Parents are responsible for documenting their volunteer hours and submitting them to the school office monthly. Please use the link to submit the SHARE hours
If you are looking for Share Hours opportunities, contact Mrs. Kristin Jost, Principal. St. Matthew Catholic School is so appreciative of our community who give their time and talents to benefit the school. We would love to find a way to utilize your God-given gifts, so don't hesitate to ask!