Admissions are done on a rolling basis provided there are openings in the class. Interested families may download and print an application from the links below, or contact the school at[email protected] to have a application mailed. Completed applications can either be emailed, mailed or dropped off at the school office. Mailed applications should be sent to: St. Matthew Catholic School, 221 SE Walnut Street, Hillsboro, OR 97123.Application along with non-refundable application fee of $35(K-8th) per student should be enclose with application and all required documents to ensure timely processing. Please see the list of documents to be included in your application.
Intent to Enroll Form
Current Academic year Admissions Application
$35 Application Fee
Current report card
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of Baptismal certificate (if applicable)
Students who have submitted all applicable forms and fees will be invited to spend a Shadow day at the school before final acceptance is determined.
Preschool - 8th grade applications
Preschool - 8th grade is a rolling enrollment process.
All applicants may visit the school and classroom by appointment.
Applicants for Grades 1-8 will be asked to come for a Shadow Day before they are accepted for admission.
Preschoolers are accepted on a first come basis until a class is full. Your Admission Registration and registration fee is all that is needed for acceptance.
Registration for returning and newly accepted students for the upcoming year is held during January & February. There is a non-refundable registration fee, which guarantees the student a place in the class.
Thank you for your interest in St. Matthew Catholic School.